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Instead of getting into a serious relationship, some people prefer to opt for a one-night stand without any feelings, called a booty call. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a booty call?
What is a booty call?
A booty call is a sexual relationship with no tomorrow. It is a relationship that is only oriented towards sex and devoid of any feelings of love. Things are clear from the start, and each partner knows that he or she is entering into a relationship where feelings are never to intervene. It's about sex and nothing but sex.
A booty call is a very common practice nowadays. This practice attracts both young and old people. A booty call can be classic or regular. The classic form consists of a date just for sex and that's it. The regular booty call consists in meeting several times with the same partner, but always for sex and nothing else.
The advantages of a booty call
Practicing booty calls has many advantages. First, it allows you to have a free sex life without commitment. You can sleep with whomever you want, whenever you want, and however, you want. The partners see each other only for the sex. Each one takes sexual advantage of the other and that's it. That's the end of it. Then there is another important advantage which is the financial advantage. Indeed, to engage in a serious and durable sentimental relationship requires much more financial investment.
The disadvantages of booty call
The booty call certainly has a lot of disadvantages, but it also has disadvantages. The first disadvantage is the poor quality of the sex. Indeed, it is difficult to have fulfilling and exciting sexuality without feelings. A man can easily sleep with whoever he wants without love, but it is difficult for a woman to take pleasure with a man he does not love. It is also important to note that sex with a man can lead to the development of STIs because the more you change partners, the more likely you are to develop STIs.